Understanding the World Intent

To form meaningful relationships which foster appreciation, respect and an understanding of their world.  To embrace opportunities, cultures and communities that prepare them for life in an ever changing world.


Intent Knowledge/Skills
Stage 14 To form respectful meaningful relationships, to appreciate and get pleasure from the environment, to know how to access local clubs and social events.  To know where to get advice.  To engage in current events, affairs or celebrations which relate function to their own world.  To make informed and considered decisions based on experience, influence and personal choice.
Stage 13 Aspire – The ability to communicate aspirations and be able to identify ways to achieve them.  To be able to know who to ask and where to go for advice.  To link with like-minded people – join a social group/ club.

To link experimental work to real life problems and scenarios.

Stage 12 Produce – To be able to interpret and follow instructions, think creatively and imaginatively in order to make something happen or produce significant change.

To be able to discuss and debate using previous knowledge to produce a measured argument

Stage 11 Evaluate – The ability to make a judgement using a variety of evidence.  To communicate situations based on a range of evidence and respond accordingly in the correct way.  To consider other cultural and religious beliefs to develop own beliefs and values.  To use data to explain discoveries.
Stage 10 Justify – To use knowledge to describe why choices, plans, compositions, sculptures were made.  To provide a rationale for beliefs and choices.
Stage 9 Analyse – The ability to find out more to discover meaning.  To be able to evaluate a situation in order to make an informed choice.   To use predictions to plan experiments.
Stage 8 Connect – To recognise events occur for a reason, to be able to predict what might happen next and understand the connections that made something occur or happen.
Stage 7 Apply – The ability to use knowledge and experience to make judgements that have a meaningful purpose or make a difference. Respecting the environment by following the countryside code.  Use understanding to make predictions.  To recall knowledge and apply it to specific occasions, celebrations and religious events.
Stage 6 Explain – The ability to communicate a reason for an opinion, choice, request or action.  To be interested in comparing things and understanding differences.

To share discoveries with others and explain why something behaves or acts in a certain way.  To explain differences and similarities between cultures and religions.

Stage 5 Question – To further develop understanding by asking why. To recognise differences and similarities between cultures and religions, between artists and musicians.  To question the purpose of a historical event.  To question how someone may be feeling. To be curious about how things work or why something has happened.
Stage 4 Understand – To extend previous knowledge and develop an awareness of others beyond immediate family. To develop an awareness of environment beyond home. To understand the meaning beyond religious festivals.
Stage 3 Organise knowledge – To recognise cause and effect of their impact on the world around them and on others.  Understanding that things happen when you touch, press, move or interact, for example, if I drop the ball it will bounce.
Stage 2 Remember –To recognise familiar places and immediate family, rhymes and songs, colours, textures and environments – home and school for example.  To recognise one key individual from one major celebration or cultural experience.
Stage 1 Explore/Discover –To explore their surroundings, displaying inquisitiveness and curiosity to sound, self, home, colour, texture and environment.

To experience some major celebrations or cultural experiences.