Pupil Admissions

All pupils at The Beacon will have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) of special educational needs issued and maintained by their local education authority. The EHCP will outline each child or young person’s individual special educational needs and the educational and non-educational provision required to meet those needs.

The EHCP will also name The Beacon as the appropriate placement to provide education for the child’s additional educational needs. All pupils at The Beacon have profound, severe or complex learning difficulties.

The Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is reviewed on an annual basis in the form of a meeting, where multi-agency partners who may be involved in the support of the young person, get together to discuss progress and talk about interventions on which the team is currently working. It is also an opportunity to review educational provision. This is a very important meeting as it will allow any relevant change of placement to be recorded if necessary and will also name another provision, if such a recommendation needs to be made. There are also a further two opportunities to review progress towards the EHCP outcomes at parents’ evenings.

Applying for a place

The Beacon has an admissions policy which can be found by clicking the link, by contacting the school office or by contacting the Local Education Authority. The policy clearly outlines the procedure and guidance for successful applications. Pupils generally will come from South East Kent, but occasionally pupils will travel in from further afield.