The Curriculum

Curriculum 2023-2024

“To enable our pupils to be as independent as they possibly can be, make a positive contribution to society and reach their maximum potential.”

All pupils’ learning experiences in each Tier Pathway are driven by the same intent provided across our 5 strands. We strongly believe this rounded diet and provision of learning experiences enables all of our pupils the best chance to be as independent as they possible can be, make a positive contribution to society and reach their maximum potential –this is irrespective of levels of need and challenges. Pupils can move between pathways as required, ensuring they have the best opportunities to thrive and stretching and challenging their progress at every point.


Tier 1 Pathway
Tier 2 Pathway
Tier 3 Pathway
The Primary model works on a class based system. Most of the time these are now single year groups. This group is likely to have a broad range of needs as identified in our admissions criteria. They follow an adapted curriculum through thematic learning which is more closely aligned to national expectations. Pupils will be working in a range that is 3 years + behind their chronological age group.
The Secondary model follows a progressive timetable which changes from year 7 onwards to increase levels of transition around the school and mirrors their own increasing levels of independence.
The 5 strand curriculum intent guides the planning phases for all subjects to ensure the practical and purpose of all learning supports our vision for each pupil.
Pupils may require a more adapted programme and curriculum that includes a more sensory and communication focused learning experience and a higher staffing ratio to meet the learners’ needs. This may include a building of communication through the use of Makaton, PEC’s and Communicate in Print to support verbal communication. Pupils thrive off of learning routines that allow them to flourish and thrive. Sensory integration is likely to form a solid foundation to the pupils learning experiences.
Learning is through a thematic approach with close tracking of learning experiences.
The 5 strand curriculum intent guides the planning phases for all subjects to ensure the practical and purpose of all learning supports our vision for each pupil.
This areas of “specialisms” can be sub divided into three main groups:
These are largely the non -ambulant group reliant on a high level of adult support in all areas. Communication can be limited and largely expressed by some verbal interaction, eye gaze, VOCA and/or switch work.
Applied Behaviour Analysis
Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is the use of behaviour analytic (learning) methods, to change socially important behaviour in meaningful ways. These include communication and language, social skills, and adaptive behaviours such as eating and toileting.
The Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP) is a five-component program designed to measure verbal behavior, guide individualized instruction needed to address deficits in verbal behavior, and evaluate progress over the course of a treatment program.
The 5 strand curriculum intent guides the planning phases for all subjects to ensure the practical and purpose of all learning supports our vision for each pupil.
Tier 1 Classes
Tier 2 Classes
Tier 3 Classes
Zone 1, Spain, Donaldson, Bright, Italy, Carle, Panama, Browne, Jamaica, Bahamas, Barbados and Margate our Satellite class based at Castle Hill mainstream primary school.
Zone 2, Saint Lucia, Costa Rica, USA, Haiti, Belize and Cuba.
Zone 3 Botswana, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Kenya, Morocco, Mauritius and Madagascar.
Zone 1, Ireland, Sweden, Trinidad, Dominican Republic and Grenada.
Zone 2, Puerto Rico, Mexico and Martinique.
Zone 3, Ivory Coast and Gambia.
Zone 1, Austria
Zone 2, Canada Antigua, Seychelles, Nicaragua and Saint Kitts.
Zone 3, Cape Verde, Senegal and Egypt
Tier 3 classes predominantly use the ABA approach.
France following VBmapp.
Our specialist PMLD classes are Austria, Canada and Cape Verde.
Tier 1 Progress and Assessment
Tier 2 Progress and Assessment
Tier 3 Progress and Assessment
All pupils EHCP targets will be tracked through Evidence for Learning.
Measuring academic progress through Pupil Asset, using fully moderated Teacher Assessed work and Achieving Excellence.
Our EYFS classes are using Evidence for learning to observe and assess the learning, summarised through a school based tracking system.
All pupils EHCP targets will be tracked through Evidence for Learning.
Measuring academic progress through Pupil Asset, using fully moderated Teacher Assessed work and Achieving Excellence.
Our EYFS classes are using Evidence for learning to observe and assess the learning, summarised through a school based tracking system.
Where appropriate, individual learning journeys and progress made will be documented and evidenced through Evidence for Learning. This is largely where pupils cross over between two pathways.
All pupils EHCP targets will be tracked through Evidence for Learning.
Many assessment models do not recognise all the progress and development that we know our complex pupils (such as PMLD) can make.  We use MAPP (Mapping and Assessing Pupil Progress) and the Engagement Model together with some bespoke tools to form a ‘basket of indicators’. We believe this has been the most appropriate way for us to show the intricacies of development we see in our very special young people.
One of the tools used to plan, assess and record learning/developmental progress is ABLLS-R: The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills – Revised.
The learning journey and progress made will be documented and evidenced through Evidence for Learning.
Onward routes to further education, employment or training. Accredited outcomes are likely to be pursued in KS4 and continue their chosen option pathways in KS5 to extend learning, knowledge and progress being made across all curriculum strands. Accredited outcomes in KS5 will demonstrate the full progress journey of the pupils and support their next steps.
Onward routes to college, supported living or to adult life with a greater degree of independence and sense of control over general life outcomes The curriculum emphasis in tier 2 classes is on developing the ability to effect some control over their surroundings and outcomes in later life. Accredited outcomes focus on the skills needed to foster independence.
Onward routes to college, supported living or to adult life with a greater degree of independence and sense of control over general life outcomes The curriculum emphasis in tier 2 and 3 classes is on developing the ability to effect some control over their surroundings and outcomes in later life.  Accredited outcomes focus on the skills needed to foster independence.

Subject Groupings within the 5 Strand Curriculum