Healthy Lifestyle Curriculum Intent


Stage Healthy Lifestyles Knowledge/ Skills
Stage 14 To make positive and independent lifestyle choices:

To shop for a meal

To plan and cook a meal

To participate in healthy, physical activities within their communities

To exercise their knowledge of how the body work and how we can keep it healthy

To lead activity within the local community

To work within the local community beyond the school

Stage 13 To develop their emotional resilience and emotional intelligence so as to make effective choices in taking care of their own health, mental health and overall well-being.

To maintain their own and others’ exercise equipment/ bicycles.

To identify the foods required to create a healthy meal.

To link different diseases and their treatments with reference to important scientific discoveries.

Stage 12 To recognise the value of physical activity and how it contributes to a healthy lifestyle, making positive choices.

To understand about the safe use of Kitchen equipment and tools.

To evaluate different medical treatments and suggest which is best in different situations.

Stage 11 To engage in sport and physical activitiy effectively as an individual and as part of a team without adult support.

To demonstrate an ability to manage a range of social interactions independently of adult support.

Talk about challenges they have overcome.

To investigate a problem with the body and how it is treated.

To learn about food safety & using ICT in the hospitality workplace.

Stage 10 To analyse, adapt, refine and perform effectively in a range of sporting, physical and social scenarios.

Negotiate effectively by suggesting compromises

To learn about key diseases of the body.

To learn about customer service and employment opportunities in the hospitality and catering industry.

Stage 9 To consistently show control in techniques under increasing external pressures according to individual disciplines.

To organise and take on responsibilities within a group.

To persevere with challenging tasks.

Give examples of own achievements and strengths and recognise the achievements and strengths of others.

To begin to adapt a recipe for own preference.

To learn how the body keeps us safe.

Stage 8 To begin to apply sport specific techniques, tactics and strategies within a range of physical activities.

To cooperate effectively with others in a small group, helping and supporting one another.

To provide constructive feedback.

To begin to understand & use foods from around the world.

To understand specific organs in isolation.

To begin to understand how specific parts of the body work together.


Stage 7 To begin to demonstrate more control in a range of different fundamental movements and activities.

To plan and cooperate effectively with a partner, helping and encouraging one another, manage disagreements, vote and compromise.

To follow instructions, including a recipe, independently.

To develop an understanding of specific parts of the body.

To understand about the safe use of Lab equipment.

Stage 6 To consistently apply basic skills in combination.

To work on being part of a team and team spirit. Show respect for the views of others.

To begin to show independence performing and following instructions including a recipe.

To begin to understand form and function of the human skeleton, muscles, teeth and digestive system.

To begin to understand the terms producer and consumer.

To begin to understand how electricity works and what it is.


Stage 5 To begin to succesfully apply basic skills in combination.

 To work effectively in pairs, for example to compete or to follow a recipe.

Recognise their own strengths and achievements and recognise that it is good to keep trying.

To understand the basics of what is ‘Sound’ and ‘light.’

To classify states of matter into ‘Solids, Liquids and Gases’ and classify through testing everyday materials according to their properties.

To begin to understand sources of electricity.

Stage 4 To improve basic skills in a range of sports and activities and link them together.

To begin to work in independently and in pairs to follow instructions, for example a recipe.

To know the importance of food groups (balanced diet).

To develop understanding of materials and begin to sort according to given criteria.

To Identify a range of animal habitats.

Stage 3 To begin to coordinate basic movements and skills

To begin to participate in a group (including talking to peers if appropriate) with less adult support and guidance e.g. making simple recipes as a group.

Ask questions about what they hear

To begin to identify knowledge of food groups.

To observe, identify and investigate everyday materials, flowers, trees, animals and the seasons using simple language.

To begin to understand forces and how actions can have a reaction.


Stage 2 To develop their fundamental movement skills and apply them into a variety of activities.

To interact positively in pairs or small groups with adult support and guidance.

To make requests and identify likes and dislikes.

To develop an understanding of the link between seeds, plants, veg including life cycles of plants.

To begin to make observations about animals and insects –  life cycles, body parts.

To begin to develop cutlery skills.

Stage 1 To experience moving their bodies in more controlled ways and develop their knowledge of cause and effect.

To begin to take turns in pairs or small groups with adult support and direction.

To follow instructions that promote kind behaviour.

To begin to experience the link between seeds/plants/veg/fruit.

To begin to understand that darkness is an absence of light.