Digital Technology


Stage  Knowledge / Skills 
Stage 14 Students will be able to produce a complez digital document or programme for a specific purpose against a given criteria.  Recognising advertising features onlines, examples of online pressures and privacy settings.
Stage 13 Students will be able to select the most appropriate tools to develop a compluter based task (research, formulas).  Know to be respectful online, deal with cyberbullying, how to use information from the internet correctly.
Stage 12 Students will be able to map and identify features required to complete a computer based task (flowchart, prediction). Know the importance of passwords, types of cyberbullying, dangers of social media.
Stage 11 Students will be able to apply their computer knowledge to create a meaningful outcome to an identified need (presentation, animation, and algorithm). Know that copying online content can be illegal, know what a digital footprint is, limit the impact of technology on health (social media, screen time)
Stage 10 Students will have an increased knowledge of computer devices and software and apply these skills to a wide variety of tasks.  Explain rules communicating online, careful what is shared online, know about age restrictions.
Stage 9 Students will evaluate their own work, identify and correct (debugging). Explain online issues that are not nice, control time spent on devices and online content is not always truthful.
Stage 8 Students will be able to use a range of computer tools to design a specific outcome (music, pictures, chart, and algorithm). Know information online is hard to erase, know not to talk to strangers online, making themselves more secure using passwords.
Stage 7 Students will organise their ideas (sequence) to produce a desired effect including on-screen outcome, (use a camera, make sounds and write text).  Know different ways of communication via the internet, navigating web pages, using passwords, saving work and how to report issues.
Stage 6 Students will start to control electronic devices with purpose including on screen, and able to effect changes.  Know how to be kind on the internet, uses of the internet, telling trusted adults about what is seen and put online about themselves.
Stage 5 Students will know what to select in order to achieve the expected response and explain what they are doing.  Use the internet with support, recognise personal information, know who trusted adults are when help is needed with computers/internet.
Stage 4 Students will continue to recognise and start to control devices with purpose. Know devices that can access the internet, know what makes people sad and upset, know some rules with computers.
Stage 3 Students will start to recognise and sustain an internet in some electronic devices by interacting with them and knowing their purpose.  Know what the internet is, ways of communicating and know basic personal information (name, age).
Stage 2 Students will respond to, interact with electronic devices including listening to (audio), watching (images/still moving) and touching (control and mechanical toys) and ne able to name some devices.
Stage 1 Students will have exposure to, awareness of and start to respond to electronics devices within their everyday environment (washing machine, fridge, TV and toys etc)