Communication Curriculum Intent Map

To use a variety of technology, including emails, CiP etc, with increasing skill and independence.


To use alternative and augmentative communication with increasing independence


Communication: To access appropriate means/tools of communication to promote inclusion in society
Stage Knowledge/Skills
Stage 14 To be able to instigate and hold restorative conversations or exchanges.  To correct misunderstandings and to utilise the language necessary to address them. To understand and express the feelings of others and to advocate for oneself and others in the community using whatever linguistic form is appropriate.
Stage 13 To recognise differences in a variety of text types and be able to use and create independently. To make deliberate lexical choices to affect a change on the environment.  To read a variety of texts critically and with understanding.
Stage 12 To produce a range of texts with increasing independence for a specific purpose, audience and effect. To understand implicit and explicit meaning in written and spoken form.
Stage 11 To communicate with increasing confidence using a range of forms with clarity in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar environments and situations.
Stage 10 To use language in either spoken or written forms to connect ideas, explain what’s happening and anticipate what might happen next.  To use language to give shape to thought.
Stage 9 To recognise a variety of text types and begin to create these with increasing degrees of independence.  To read for pleasure as well as to obtain information.
Stage 8 To read, listen to and understand information in the world and act on the information it provides.
Stage 7 To begin to decode and then produce written symbols and understand that writing has meaning and purpose.
Stage 6 To use language as a means to widen contacts, share feelings, experiences and thoughts.  To listen to and respond to others appropriately.  To discover a joy in books and to understand that communication can be joyful, meaningful and rewarding, whether by listening to or reading.
Stage 5 To engage in intentful mark making. To listen to others with increasing attention and recall. To use language to express thought and feeling not just as a means to an end.
Stage 4 To recognise that language is reciprocal and to begin to use it appropriately.
Stage 3 To begin to develop core gross and early fine motor skills needed for writing.


To express feelings/preferences.

Stage 2 To recognise and respond to a language rich environment. To begin imitating sounds and words and begin communicating with intent.
Stage 1 To pay attention to dominant stimulus/have a concept of self and others.


To enjoy listening to stories and to handle books appropriately.